Posted by: Bob | October 16, 2012

508, the Belief was Achieved


To achieve a goal it takes planning, training, focus, desire, failure, fortitude, commitment, and most important a total belief that it can be done. I think sometimes we talk the talk but when it comes down to it we can’t back it up with action. This year 508 was not a desire or hope, it had ascended to a passion a belief that nothing was going to stop me from achieving was I was setting out to do.

Planning – My crew knew exactly what was taking place at what time and knew what was going to be expected of them before the race started. I was able to go over all my plans and details so it was clear to them in their terms. This type of race requires such planning and attention to detail.

Training – Fortius Coaching kept me on track with Gerardo know that I trained too hard the year before. He also had to take into account that there are no hills in Omaha, NE, so I had to make workouts to fit the task. This I’m sure was not an easy task for Gerardo since I sometimes don’t enter all the data before the end of the week.
Focus – to train the focus for this type of a Ultra Cycling event I had to find new ways to push myself. Training in the morning, working all day, then out on the bike for another 2-4 hours during the night. This had to be my most difficult task which is interesting when you think that other rides were 10-12 hours long in one shot. But the Focus and Determination it took to get back on the bike at night after I was tired and mentally spent from work was what got me through the last section and pushed through the final 3 hours to the end.

Failure – I’m not talking about the fear of failure but the taste of it. What I experienced the year before having to stop and not fulfill what I set out to do left a bad tasted in my mouth. That forced me to push through those barriers and not give up even though it would’ve been easy to. They say in an Ironman that no one will say anything about you not finishing and that people will understand. But the one person that matters most in this will keep at you, will drive you to the brink, and will remind you of it everyday, and that person is YOU!

Commitment – This is mostly financial. What you give up, and have to budget for is the most difficult commitment of all. You get used to the training and diet that must be accomplished and committed to. But, the way that you have to plan and analyze where every dime is going as well as plan for the unexpected details that will arise, is the difficult part.

Belief – This is the biggest thing that I didn’t have last year that is in me this year. I didn’t waiver on my belief that I would finish this race. It wasn’t, I hope I can finish, or if I just keep pushing I will get there. It was, of course I’m going to finish, it was more about what time would I finish. How quickly and efficiently can I accomplish this. I actually wanted to finish much earlier but I knew either way that it would be done.
Next time you have a mountain to accomplish: plan, train, commit, focus, and just believe that you can succeed. Then Go Do It!

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